


圣托健康管理中心位于秀湖畔柏丽国际大厦,融第三方影像诊断中心、体检中心 和精品门诊于一体,拥有一支原三级医院在职的医疗护理及健康管理团队,配备1.5T 飞利浦Prodiva人工智能磁共振、64排CT、EPIQ5彩超、奥林巴斯CV-290胃肠镜等业 内领先设备,为客户提供个性化体检方案、健康咨询、健康干预和跟踪管理,为需要 转诊手术的患者提供后续联系对接,实现单纯体检向健康管理的转变。开业至今,包括和睦家医疗、日本最大的心脏磁共振中心CVIC等高端医疗机构前来学习并寻求合 作,更吸引了如世界500强贝塔斯曼、EP雅莹、麒盛科技、嘉兴台华等企业高管及上 海浦东新区企业家、市各大商会纷纷选择到圣托体检。
Located located in Baili international Tower by ShowLake, Sunto Medical Management Center integrates the third-party imaging diagnosis center, physical examination center and superior outpatient services into one and has a medical care and health management team in the former tertiary hospital. Equipped with cutting-edge equipment in the industry, such as 1.5T Philips Prodiva artificial intelligence MRI, 64-slice CT, EPIQ color doppler ultrasound and Olympus CV-290, which provide personalized physical examination scheme, health consultation, health intervention and tracking management for customers, and provides follow-up contact matching for patients who need to be referred for surgery, so as to realize the transformation from one-sided physical examination to health management. So far, it has carried out in-depth exchanges and cooperation with United Family Health care, CVIC, the largest cardiac MRI center in Japan, and Shanghai Milord Health. Since its opening, Sunto Medical has attracted business executives from Fortune Global 500, such as Bertelsmann AG, EP Yaying, Keeson, Jiaxing Taihua, and entrepreneurs from Pudong New Area of Shanghai and major chambers of Commerce of Shanghai to come here for physical examination.